Be Patient

Bill Bright

“But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in us ... patience ...” (Galatians 5:22).

My good friend and spiritual mentor from many years ago, Dr. Henrietta Mears, firmly believed as a young woman that God would call her to go overseas as a missionary. But she was not blessed with good eyesight, which she recognized would be an obstacle to her service overseas. In time she realized God was not calling her into missions.

Ultimately Dr. Mears became the Director of Christian Education at the First Presbyterian Church of Hollywood, California. From that position she had a global impact. She certainly had a tremendous influence on Vonette and me, as well as Richard Halverson (who would become Chaplain of the United States Senate), Billy Graham, and thousands of others.

She founded Gospel Light Publications and Forrest Home Christian Conference Center, where hundreds of thousands experienced new life in Christ. But she had to be patient and obedient as God worked out His perfect will for her.

Step by step, God lays out His special plan for each of us. In His perfect time, God shows us what He wants us to see. We may be interested in the details of the plan, but He is always interested in the details of the relationship as we depend on Him daily. In our souls we may be saying, "Just tell me, Lord! I cannot wait – I want to know now!" But the gentle voice of the Spirit replies, Be patient. Know Me well, and the future will take care of itself, if you will simply trust Me.

Your View of God Really Matters ...

Do you need wisdom for the future? He knows the answers. Ask Him for guidance then start moving in faith, trusting Him to lead your steps.

Because God knows everything,
I will go to Him with all my questions and concerns.

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