Discover God's Character E-Devotionals

The Great Puzzle of Life

“I have a plan for the whole earth, for My mighty power reaches throughout the world” (Isaiah 14:26).

Submitting to God's sovereignty can be compared to putting together a billion-piece picture puzzle. History is like that giant picture. Only by looking at the photograph on the box cover can you see what everything will look like once all the pieces are in place.

Now imagine that you are given one piece of the puzzle. This is where you fit into God's great plan for the universe. What can you do with this piece? You have never seen the picture on the outside of the box. All you know is that your piece has a little dark color here and a few bright spots there.

So you run around trying to match what you are doing with someone else's puzzle piece. The chance of finding one other person who has a piece that matches yours is almost zero. There is no way you could ever understand what the completed picture will look like.

From a human standpoint, it is impossible to understand the many puzzles in life. But if you let God direct you, He will help you place your puzzle piece in the right place. He is not only big enough to see the whole picture, He created it.

We can see part of the picture of where God is taking history by reading the Bible. God gives us clues as to what His purposes are for us. In His sovereignty, He will fulfill His purposes and all He has promised in His Word.

Your View of God Really Matters ...

Submit, by faith and trust, to God's sovereign plan for the world and for you. Worship Him today for His sovereignty, love, and grace.

Because God is sovereign,
I will joyfully submit to His will.

Learn more about God’s character at Discover God, by Bright Media Foundation, an affiliate of Cru.

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