Discover God's Character E-Devotionals

Never Alone

“No, I will not abandon you as orphans - I will come to you” (John 14:18).

"I feel so alone," Bev said, "with my husband gone and all my children married. Sometimes I can hardly bear the pain, the anguish. At times it's as though I am about to suffocate---I am so lonely!" 

Bev was in her late 70s. Her husband was dead, and her other family members were involved in their own careers and activities. Though they loved her, they were so busy they seldom saw her to express that love. 

I shared with her the good news of the one who loved her so much that He died on the cross for her and paid the penalty for her sins, the one who promised never to leave her once He came. 

There in the loneliness of her living room, she bowed with me in prayer and invited the risen living Christ to take up residence in her life, to forgive her, to make her a child of God. When she lifted her face, her cheeks were moist with tears and her heart was made new with joy. 

"I feel so different," she said. "Already I feel enveloped with the sense of God's presence. His love and His peace." 

As the months passed, it became increasingly evident that she was not alone. He who was with her had been faithful to His promise never to leave her. 

Do you feel deserted, alone, rejected? Do you have problems with you family, work, school or health? Whatever may be your need, Jesus is waiting to make His presence real to you.

Your View of God Really Matters ...

Do you want to more fully experience His presence? Confess all known sin. Obey His commands. Meditate on His Word. And talk with Him about everything as you go through your day.

Because God is ever-present,
He is always with me.

Learn more about God’s character at Discover God, by Bright Media Foundation, an affiliate of Cru.

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