Discover God's Character E-Devotionals

God's Mercy Through Us

“I want you to be merciful” (Matthew 9:13).

Many years ago in Korea, Dr. Joon Gon Kim and his family were enjoying an evening together. Suddenly, an angry band of Communist guerrillas invaded their village, killing everyone in their path. In their trail of blood, the guerrillas left behind the dead bodies of Dr. Kim's wife and father. Dr. Kim was beaten and left for dead. In the cool rain of the night, he revived and fled for safety with his young daughter to the mountains. They were the sole survivors.

Dr. Kim knew from Scripture that he must love his enemies and pray for those who persecuted him. The Spirit of God impressed upon him to seek out the Communist chief who led the guerrilla attack, and tell him that he loved him. Then he was to tell him about God's love.

Dr. Kim obeyed. When he met the Communist chief, the man was dumbfounded because he had believed that the guerrillas had killed him. He knelt and committed his life to Christ. Within a short time, more Communists came to Christ, and Dr. Kim helped build a church for them. He was a living demonstration of God's mercy.

As I walk in the Spirit and grow in appreciation for the mercy of God to me, I find that mercy overflows from my life into the lives of others. And if I plant the seeds of God's mercy in the hearts and minds of others, they produce a harvest of love for God and repentance of sin.

Your View of God Really Matters ...

Do you love mercy? Ask the Lord to make you a person who loves mercy, and who extends mercy to others as Dr. Kim did. Is there someone who needs you to extend God's mercy to them today?

Because God is merciful,
He forgives me of my sins when I sincerely confess them.

Learn more about God’s character at Discover God, by Bright Media Foundation, an affiliate of Cru.

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