Great Commission Movement (GCMN) offers you an opportunity to give God 6month - 1 year of unforgettable adventures.
Those who are fully involved in the ministry of Win, Build, and Send and also raise partners who support them in ministry by way of finances, prayer and encouragement.
These are staff who give an agreed upon part of their time to the ministry of Win, Build, and Send alongside their careers. They therefore raise partners to support their involvement in ministry but not their livelihood.
Those who sign in for a particular project or make themselves available for involvement in ministry opportunities whenever their schedule will allow.
Those who sign in for a particular project or make themselves available for involvement in ministry opportunities whenever their schedule will allow.
L.I.F.E. stands for Leadership, Influence, Finances, and Expertise. We desire that people become all God intended them to be, by fully investing their leadership skills, influence, financial resources, and professional expertise toward the fulfillment of the Great Commission.
Explore how your talents, abilities and gifts could be put to use supporting ministry worldwide ...
Having read the opportunities available, remember the challenge Jesus gave. Then He said to His disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into the fields.” ‘ (Matt. 9:37-38)
It does not matter your career or profession, there is always a place for you to serve the Master, and we are here to help you and provide for you, the platform.
We look forward to hearing or reading from you.
The Lord is waiting for you to play your part in fulfilling the Great Commission.
Sign up for our 5-part email series to learn how to create and share your story to show God's love to others.
Learn More© GCMN - A ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ International. All Right Reserved.