Discover God's Character E-Devotionals

Responding to God's Voice

The two of them, sent on their way by the Holy Spirit, went down to Seleucia...” (Acts 13:4 NIV).

When I was a new Christian, the Holy Spirit impressed me to visit the president of one of the largest oil companies in the world. I was very uncomfortable, but I felt I must be obedient to God's leadership. I was amazed when the tycoon immediately agreed to see me.

As I arrived at his office, he asked, "What can I do for you, young man?" I got right to the point and asked him about his relationship with Jesus Christ.

This powerful business leader sitting in front of me began to weep. He had received Christ as a young boy but had spent his entire adult life pursuing success. As he had gained the world, he felt that he had lost his soul. His wife, his children, particularly his Lord - he wanted them all back in his life. We wept together.

As I stood to leave, he told me that he had not been in a church for thirty years, and that he intended to change that pattern on the following Sunday. I left his office rejoicing that I had obeyed the prompting of the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit often guides us through inner impressions or promptings. But there are many ways in which our sovereign God can reveal His will to us. However, we must walk by faith and not by sight. God is so faithful, and we need only be attentive and sensitive.

Your View of God Really Matters ...

Ask God today to help you walk by faith and not by sight. Listen closely for His voice.

Because God is sovereign,
I will joyfully submit to His will.

Learn more about God’s character at Discover God, by Bright Media Foundation, an affiliate of Cru.

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