This is essential to our mission. Dr. Bill and Vonette Bright founded this ministry on prayer and it is through prayer that we have been blessed to make such a significant contribution to fulfilling the Great Commission.
Our long-term objective is to mobilize, train and deploy Biblical strategic praying intercessors to each of the 774 local government areas across Nigeria.
We picture a day when there will be movements everywhere across the globe so that every person on the planet knows someone who follows Jesus. To that end, we are trusting God to raise up 10 million Christ-centered multiplying disciples, and 5 million new church planted by the end of 2020.
As we answer God’s call to the Great Commission, to go and “make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19), we realize that this isn’t something we can do alone. Apart from God we can accomplish nothing. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, there is no end to what can be achieved. The body of Christ needs to join together and, through prayer, work with God to accomplish the works that He intends to do through us.
a) Mold our hearts to be one with God’s. Pray Romans 12:1-2: That as believers everywhere, we will live holy lives pleasing to God. May our hearts and minds be increasingly like His.
b) Multiply our lives into the lives of others. Pray 2 Timothy 2:2: that God will lead us to others we can show how to walk with God, that they in turn might share that same joy with others.
c) Mobilize laborers through our prayer and ministry efforts. Pray Luke 10:2: Ask the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest field—in our homes, in our places of work, neighborhoods and communities.
Set a daily alarm for 8:20PM [20:20] to Pray2020
Ask God to fulfill His Great Commission (multiplying disciples)
Pray: “Lord, MOLD my heart…MULTIPLY my life…MOBILIZE others.”
© GCMN - A ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ International. All Right Reserved.