
Squad Goals: Six People You Want in Your Squad

Squad Goals: Six People You Want in Your Squad

Our culture is obsessed with #squadgoals. We want a glamorous squad that can conquer the world. What are your actual “squad goals”? Who are the six people you truly need in your squad?

How to Grow Friendships That Last a Lifetime

How to Grow Friendships That Last a Lifetime

A group of Christian men discovered 3 ingredients of life-changing friendship.


Are All Your Friends Just Like You?

Are All Your Friends Just Like You?

What American Christians miss by not building friendships with people who are different from them.


10 Ways to be a Good Neighbor

10 Ways to be a Good Neighbor

A mom of four tells how her family connected with their neighbors, and offers ways you can connect with yours.

Prayer, Care and Share

Prayer, Care and Share

Create relationships with people in your life and tell them about Jesus.

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