Outreach Strategies

The "I Agree With" Campaign

“I Agree with” weeks began sweeping across college campuses in fall 1999 beginning at Humboldt State University, and then University of Arizona, stretching throughout the west coast, and east as far as Penn State University. The concept was born when Humboldt State decided to change a traditional Christmas ad, which they ran every year. The ad concludes with “If you have any questions about this incredible event, please ask one of us.” And then typically, it’s followed with the names of Christian students and faculty.

Amidst much laughter, they decided to really get peoples attention with the ad that year, and listed just one name ...Tom. No last name. Eric Leong, the campus director at Humboldt State, describes the development of the idea. “The idea came to us in a prayer meeting and we felt it was of the Lord. We printed up buttons, made posters and had Tom wear a t-shirt that said, “I am Tom!” The result was great; as Tom had a chance to share his faith in every class he was enrolled in that semester—totaling about 350 students in all. Many other students who wore buttons that said, “I agree with Tom,” had opportunities to share their faith as well.”

The next year, students from the University of Arizona expanded the idea, formally inviting other Christians on their campus to participate in a similar outreach with them. They had one student sign a statement of faith while the rest of the Christian community rallied around that person. It was out of this idea that, “I Agree With” weeks were born.

The basic idea is that one Christian student is selected to be the figurehead for the week and this student writes a statement of faith to be published in the school newspaper. Meanwhile, the Christian community on that campus wears brightly colored t-shirts stating “I Agree With ...”, and signs and flyers are posted throughout the campus posing the question “DO YOU AGREE WITH...?”

Subsequent statements are printed in the school newspaper signed by student athletes, leaders, and professors. A huge chalkboard is strategically placed on campus asking people on one side to write why they agree with whoever the figurehead is, and the other side asking why they don’t agree with that person. In addition, a table (or several tables) is strategically located on campus disseminating more information about the person everyone is agreeing with, as well as offering information about becoming a Christian (4 Spiritual Laws).

As a result of publicity, Christians are given countless opportunities to share their faith with classmates, roommates, floor mates, and friends as everyone becomes curious about who the mystery person is, and especially about why everyone agrees with him or her.

Download the "I Agree With" Campaign Info Packet (PDF) above.

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