
Evangelistic Weekly Meetings

One of the most effective means of evangelism on campus is for students to invite their friends to an evangelistic talk or event—provided, of course, that the event is done well. The problem is that it’s typically not in the campus budget to bring in an evangelistic speaker. The solution is to do it yourself. Take the points, content, and approaches used by evangelistic speakers and do the talk yourself. Show some interesting video clips, hijack their data and research, and follow the outline of their presentation. No, it will probably not be as good, but it is both cheap and effective.

Here are a handful of my evangelistic talk outlines, feel free to pillage. But if you don’t use these, still think in terms of doing a low-cost version of existing outreach topics and talks.

While this will save you some money, the bigger reason for this approach is so that you can have multiple evangelistic meetings over the course of the year. Ideally, every six weeks or so your meeting should be something that students can invite their non- Christian friends to.

As you’ll see from the following outlines (download PDF above), events on the calendar provide great opportunities for outreach topics.


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