Sending Your Team

Living Missionally - 5 Things

Discover God’s will for your next stage of life

You may have heard a phrase bouncing around Christian circles, to “live missionally,” but what does that mean?

People tend to think of being a missionary as a specific job for a rare and 'very religious' person, but the fact is that it is GOD who is on a mission and anyone who chooses to be a 'follower of Jesus' is signing up to be a missionary with Him. So, if it's every Christian's job, what is the job description?

If God has forgiven you and entered your life, two of your primary jobs on earth are:

  • Love God and our neighbors (Matthew 22:37-39)
  • Tell people about Jesus (Matthew 28:18-20)

You are ambassadors sent by God to reach your neighbors, coworkers, family and the world in His name (2 Corinthians 5:20).

The central plot of life on earth is God’s rescue mission. He is going to win, but the miracle is that He has invited us to be a part of it.

That’s a bold mission, but we don’t even know how to reach our neighborhoods. Even if we agree, how do we get started, stay on track and make a difference? As we look at the lives of those who are really going for it, 6 key elements stand out. Click on each one to see practical steps for how to set that up in your life.

  1. Surrender: Jesus is not just your Savior, but the King of your daily life. Are you willing to go, do, say and give whatever He asks of you, no matter the cost?

  2. Vision: Knowing God will use many Christians to reach the world, don’t try to do everything yourself. Instead, understand the part you need to play and how you fit into God’s rescue mission, which influences even the minor decisions you make each day.

  3. Team: Since the enemy likes to divide and conquer, stay in close fellowship with other “surrendered” followers of Christ who share the same “vision.” Spur each other on, pray, plan and achieve together.

  4. Plan: Though God can use you when you least expect it, He wants you to look before you leap – to see what simple, practical steps it will take to make progress toward the vision He has given you.

  5. Equipping: Guts will only get you so far. You must keep an eye out for tools, contacts, training and resources that will keep you moving forward on the vision. You should always be learning and growing.

  6. Coach: When you think you’ve figured it all out, you’re in trouble. To stay on mission, you must have a teachable heart and share regularly with a mentor, someone who has already been there and speaks wisdom to you and your team.

Are you committed to living missionally? Join the many other Christians “on mission” who are making the pledge today so we can help you make a difference in your community.


More resources for Missional Living:

1. Cru’s “5 Things” training:

2. Videos:

3. Book:

4. Organizations:

  • Missio: authors of the Primer books
  • 3 Dimensional Ministries: founders of the first official “missional communities”
  • GCM Collective: an organization dedicated to creating one “Gospel Community on Mission” for every 1,000 people
  • Verge Network: conferences, articles and on-going dialogue about living on mission

5. Practical Tips for Missional Living

This concept was developed originally for graduating college students by the 100% Sent team.

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