My Story: How My Life Changed

My Story: Sarina Martinez

Imagine what God can do for you

I didn’t really think too much about God. Really it was, “go to church, do good things.” God was a presence to me, not too much a personal relationship.

In college, I met Hannah Seger, a staff member with Cru at Northern Illinois University. We talked a lot about my grandfather, who had passed away. I had a hard time dealing with that and I knew there was something missing in my life.

Hannah went through the Knowing God Personally booklet with me. It was things that I had heard before, but it was never broken down for me.

All I had to do was accept Christ? I was like, “Hold on, this is too easy.”

But it felt like it had all fallen into place. At that moment I accepted Christ, but then I was confused again. What does it mean now? How is my life going to look any different?

Now Hannah was very knowledgeable. She guided me along, and constantly told me, “You can meet with me, ask me any questions.”

My life changed very fast.

One big change is that I stopped drinking. Even my parents were like, “Wait, what?”

Now, I desire to learn as much as I can, to spread the message and tell people, “This is what God has done in my life. Imagine what He could do for you.”

My big goal is getting God’s message out. To anyone, I would say, put your faith in God.

I know I still struggle with this: to give up that control. People want to hold on, want to know what’s going on with everything in their life. You can give that up. It’s such a freeing thing to know how awesome God is and all that He’d do for you if you just depend on Him.

Now, I am meeting regularly with Hannah. I am in the process of trying to co-lead a Bible study as well. It has been a learning process, and it has been awesome.

Would you like to know God personally?

See also:

Sarina Martinez is a sophomore at Northern Illinois University studying Elementary Education.  A Chicago native, she indicated a decision to receive Christ in September of 2010.

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