Leadership - Blog

Picture of a Leader

Spiritual leadership does not rest in a title or in a position or in seniority. The biblical approach to leadership rests on the quality of life of the individual leader. Because of the very nature of the term “leader,” the followers will follow his or her example.

All of us are in process of growing and developing as individuals and leaders. None of us have arrived, but still there are qualities that people must have in order to lead others. Titus 1 and 1 Timothy 3 gives us a list of the non-negotiable life-qualities that spiritual leaders should possess and be continuing to grow in. The attributes are a combination of character, maturity and track record. The list gives us a way of determining who is ready for leadership.

Listed below are some of the characteristics necessary for a person to be a leader and part of the leadership team on a local campus.


Person of faith – believes God for God-sized things and willing to step outside of their personal comfort zone to see Him work. (Hebrews 11:6, Mark 10:27)

Person of vision – knows where he is going and able to motivate others to follow him. (Proverbs 29:18)

Person of the Word – growing in knowledge and application of God’s Word. (1 Peter 2:2)

Person of Lordship – filled with the Holy Spirit and walking by faith. (Ephesians 5:18-20, 2 Corinthians 5:7)

Person of prayer – demonstrates a growing dependence on the Lord thru prayer. (Colossians 4:2)

Person of mission – understands, owns, and can articulate our mission of turning lost students into Christ-centered laborers. (Matthew 28:18-20)

Person of relationships – socially capable of initiating and sustaining healthy relationships with both men and women.

Person of character – moral and ethical strength; integrity (2 Timothy 2:2):

  • Faithful – reliable, makes and keeps promises and commitments, completes tasks
  • Available – “here am I” spirit
  • Teachable – a learner, humbly open to new ideas and constructive criticism
  • Servant heart – a giver not a taker, puts other’s needs ahead of his own


Dynamic Determination – The tenacity to set and complete goals and get the job done whatever it takes.

Intellectual Flexibility – The ability to think outside the box and to adapt your way of thinking to new variables. It is an important contribution to problem solving.

Emotional Well-Being – Can give and minister from the context of their own emotional contentment.

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