We can glorify God with the ambition He’s given us.
There are three women’s names who traveled for Brazil, prepared to compete yet were never mentioned by commentators. These women didn’t get to compete for gold, but they learned how to struggle well.
Find what ministry God might be calling you toward
“Becoming an adult is the process of moving out of a ‘one-up/ one-down’ relationship and into a peer relationship to other adults.”
A 31-day content schedule exploring what it means to be faithful to God in our work and in our rest.
What is true and false about our concept of ambition?
How can we tell when ambition is good or when it’s dangerous?
The controversy of resolutions, what the Bible says about them, and how conversations about them can lead to the gospel.
Are you searching for your life’s purpose? How we each live out our purpose may look different, but our purpose was defined long, long ago.
The importance of taking care of your body along with scriptural principles relating to physical health and suggested ways to improve.
A student in Australia risks rejection from her parents for her new faith in Christ.
“I was disappointed to learn it was a Christian event.”
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