Learn how God relates to us when we suffer through the Bible story of Job. We've compiled list of articles on different life struggles such as addiction, depression, spritual dryness, marital strife and more. If you are suffering from something specific today, browse this list of resources that can help you in your journey.
What marriage has taught newlyweds about God.
Learn to understand and resolve the most common disagreements in your marriage.
Why we need Jesus when we want to point a blaming finger.
Conflict begets conflict, and that's why every couple's focus should be on preventing conflict before it ever begins. Talk to each other, encourage and thank each other, and let grace abound.
A FamilyLife staff member offers six ways husbands can be godly in their role.
How unattainable standards can effect your marriage and what you can do to change them.
Being single is actually a gift, if you treat it as such. It gives you the opportunity to do some things that would become more difficult after marriage, and properly prepare for marriage – if that's your goal.
Shaping that foundation is critical, here are two helpful questions we should ask ourselves before a relationship spontaneously begins to grow.
FamilyLife hosts over 150 conferences annually around the world and in Nigeria to help couples build stronger, healthier relationships.
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