People decide within seconds if they will engage with your social media posts. You must master writing compelling caption copy if you want to engage people with thumb-stopping content. So how do you do it?
Voke app offers an easy way to share gospel-centered videos with friends digitally to begin meaningful conversations.
The Voke app makes spiritual conversations easy through digital means.
In an effort to boost registration during specific weeks at Big Break, paid Facebook advertisements were utilized to target students at schools that would be attending. Here are the results.
6 steps on sharing your before and after video on Instagram
5 steps on sharing your before and after video through Snapchat
4 tips on sharing your before and after video through Facebook messenger
4 tips on sharing your before and after video through text messaging
6 useful steps in creating an effective one minute testimony video
5 easy steps to create cool graphics for social media
Here are 4 steps on using the thought-provoking "Falling Plates" film for outreach on Facebook.
Here are 4 steps on using the Jesus film for outreach on Facebook.
Training videos on how to get started and use Snapchat for digital ministry.
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